Janina led a lovely session for us in July, based on Jesus’ resurrection appearance to the disciples on the beach by the Sea of Galilee.
The weather was kind to us and we were able to be outside. We began by making a boat out of large wooden bricks and hearing about how the disciples went fishing but did not catch anything. Then Jesus appeared and told them to try again. This time they caught so many fish they could hardly lift them into the boat.
We used a parachute to represent the fishing net and filled it with paper fish. Jesus took some of the fish and cooked them for breakfast on the beach. We used flame-coloured tissue paper and twigs to make pictures of fires and we ate some delicious little fish biscuits. After some singing and a follow-the-leader game we gathered together for a time of prayer. We then enjoyed sharing a picnic outside.
Our next Seek and Wonder session will be on Saturday 14 September at 3.30 pm at St Barnabas. Do come and join us. It’s fine just to turn up on the day.
Or for more information contact Pat Saunders:
patriciasaunders679@gmail.com; 07790 703675.