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Our Mission


We are a welcoming community of people who want to explore the Christian faith, worship God together and develop friendships. 


There are services in all three villages every Sunday and often during the week. There will be at least one Holy Communion service each month in each village. and we join together as a Benefice once each month as well.

As far as possible, there will always be something to suit you, and a warm welcome. There are also lots of things going on, and new services - have a look at our Services and Special events pages.


Our Mission - To know Jesus Christ and to make him known

We are part of the Church of England and are three parishes working together as one church, and one mission.

We don't pretend to have all the answers, but we have found that there is a God who loves each one of us, wherever we are on the journey of faith. 

Church, for us, is about making that journey as a community of all ages, encouraging and supporting one another through the ups and downs of life, and enjoying fun and friendship along the way. 


Our Church Family


God has called us to become a Church Family …. not just to become a church for families …. but to be a church family, available to everyone, from every age and background.



Welcome, and thank you for visiting our Church online.

This is a website for the three parishes in our benefice - Boughton with Dunkirk, Hernhill and Graveney with Goodnestone. We work together to highlight the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our churches on this site, and come in for a visit . We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbour.



Your buildings, here for you to use and enjoy

These church buildings have been at the centre of village communities for centuries, and are a sign that God is present in life here. They are a natural focus for special times in our lives, normally available to and welcoming for all.

They are much more than just much loved historic monuments. They are holy places where Christians have worshipped for a thousand years.

Most important of all, they are a living church, and you are welcome. Find out more about them, and where to find them, here, 


Are you anxious about family, friends, or yourself, and do not know where to turn? Are you, or someone you know, in a crisis and unable to pray?

There are people willing to pray for you because prayer does make a positive difference.


Simply email

and your prayer request will be passed along the Prayerline.

All prayer requests are completely confidential so only the people on the Prayerline will know about your needs and they will never discuss it with anyone. 


If you would like prayers for a relative or friend and you want to name them you will need to ask their permission first but we don't need someone's name to pray for them.  

Please use us - we'd love to help you.


In the true sense, church is not a building, but PEOPLE, bound together by faith and fellowship.

So it's everywhere, even during dark times. The church is deeply rooted in our communities, and we aim to reach out to them in service, in love and in prayer.

Our Benefice Prayer -

Loving God, we thank you for our benefice.

Help us to reflect your unity and love

in the way we worship and work together

in the communities we serve, for we are strangers no longer but pilgrims together, and partners with you in the building of your kingdom



​God of compassion,
be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation.
In their loneliness, be their consolation;
in their anxiety, be their hope;
in their darkness, be their light;
through him who suffered alone on the cross,
but reigns with you in glory,
Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


To serve our community better, a few changes are taking place to the pattern of services. To learn more, and for updates:

please go to our new News Page here


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The Friends of Hernhill Church support the upkeep and preservation of this beautiful that it can be enjoyed by future generations and provide a tangible link between them and the past inhabitants of this rural community.

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